Rebuilding Your Teen's First Car

Automotive Blog

Too often, new drivers are handed the keys to a new vehicle, or a car they haven't really earned. For some parents, this is a missed opportunity for both you and your child to learn, bond and grow together. Rather than handing over the keys to a car, spend time instead of money on your future driver, and help them to rebuild their car instead.

Pieces and Parts

Finding used parts, discarded frames, body panels in good condition, and various other components you'll need isn't nearly as hard as you might think. Once you've chosen the type of car you're hoping to end up with, it's all down to a series of phone calls, and your first chance to spend time with your young adult. Make the trip together, especially to used parts dealers who let you remove the parts yourself. Not only will this be one of the first learning experiences for both of you, but pulling your own part from an old car is usually cheaper.

If you're less mechanically inclined, start with a car that runs, but needs work to return to its former glory. You'll still need the right parts to get it there, but you're looking at less wrench time. If you're not sure where to start, visit a mechanic who can give it a thorough inspection and tell you precisely what needs to be fixed, replaced or fine tuned.

The Learning Process

The more time you give yourself before your teen actually starts driving the greater chance you'll have at successfully completing the project. This will help you focus on each fix as it comes, and spread the cost of the project over a larger period of time. Make time on weekends, after school, or over holiday breaks so that you and your child can enjoy the process of learning what it takes to put their future car together.

Even if you know exactly what you're doing, they don't, so make sure you have time to explain without rushing to get it done by a certain deadline. This way, if something breaks, or the car needs repaired, they'll know what needs to be done to find the problem and fix it, without having to take it into a shop. As an added benefit, you'll end up with a like-new vehicle for far less than it would have cost to buy it in the same condition, which will cost far less to insure.

Using your local used parts suppliers such as A&L Auto Recyclers to complete a project car is often the only way to find what you need for such a large undertaking. Ask questions, seek advice, and look for repair manuals for the car your working on.


21 July 2015

Outstanding Automobile Repair

Understanding more about the type of car that you have can help you understand the best ways to maintain it, and how to tell if there’s trouble brewing under the hood before you end up stranded. That’s why, when I found a car make that I liked, I kept going back to it every time I bought a new car. It’s also why I use a mechanic that specializes in repairing and maintaining cars made by my specific manufacturer type. Over the years, I’ve learned so much about what makes this particular car work, and what kind of quirks come with this type of vehicle. I started this blog to share some of that information and help other car owners learn to effectively maintain their automobiles and recognize the potential signs of trouble.