Answering Common Questions Concerning Diesel Fuel Filter Replacement


The fuel filter of any automobile is an important component, but in a diesel engine, this one crucial element can be even more vital to the engine's overall function. A faulty or clogged diesel fuel filter can create uncontrollable emissions, damage your fuel injectors, and allow fuel contaminants in your engine that can create a whole list of mechanical issues. If you are not so mechanically inclined, there is a good chance you have several questions about the diesel fuel filter you have in your vehicle. Here are a few of the most common questions and the facts that you should know.

Is there any way you can keep an eye on the condition of the filter without manual removal?

There is a sensor that detects contaminants and dirt in the water level of a filter via a probe that is wired to an indicator light inside of the vehicle. This is an aftermarket filter addition, and therefore, your vehicle must already be equipped for you to have this convenience, or it should be added with the next filter change.

What are the best types of diesel fuel filters for replacement?

When you do have to replace the diesel fuel filter you have, it is best to stick with what the manufacturer recommends. However, always look for quality filters that use micron-filtering material that is designed to weed out even the most minuscule particles.

Is there a recommended time-frame for replacing a diesel fuel filter?

With most vehicle models that have a diesel motor, you will find a manufacturer's guideline that is supposed to let you know how many miles a filter should be used before it is no good. It is not that this information should be discredited, but should not be the only thing considered when it is time for a replacement. All filters will age differently according to several factors, including

  • The purity of the fuel that you use in your vehicle
  • The manufacturer of the filter itself
  • The age of the motor of your vehicle
  • How often your vehicle runs at an idle

By taking some time to better understand the diesel fuel filter, how it should be changed, and when, you will be taking giant leaps towards taking better care of your ride. If you are ever uncertain about problems associated with the filter or replacement, it is best to talk to a mechanic (such as one from Williams Oil Filter Service Co.) about any questions you have.


1 June 2015

Outstanding Automobile Repair

Understanding more about the type of car that you have can help you understand the best ways to maintain it, and how to tell if there’s trouble brewing under the hood before you end up stranded. That’s why, when I found a car make that I liked, I kept going back to it every time I bought a new car. It’s also why I use a mechanic that specializes in repairing and maintaining cars made by my specific manufacturer type. Over the years, I’ve learned so much about what makes this particular car work, and what kind of quirks come with this type of vehicle. I started this blog to share some of that information and help other car owners learn to effectively maintain their automobiles and recognize the potential signs of trouble.