Recycling Your Junk Car: How To Get The Most Money Out Of Your Clunker

Automotive Blog

Recycling a junk car is a great way to recoup a portion of your investment after this vehicle has lost its appeal on the private market. Unfortunately, far too many people are unaware of how much their junk cars can really be worth to a local scrap yard. Consequently, it is not uncommon for people to simply take the first offer they get without giving much though to how they could get more money out of their old car. Thankfully, with the information outlined below, you can avoid becoming one of those people and ultimately ensure that you get every dollar possible out of your old clunker.

Never Sell A Junk Car Without A Title

More and more auto recyclers are now offering individuals the ability to sell their junk cars even if they no longer have the title for the vehicle. However, you will receive far less for your vehicles when choosing to sell them this way. This is because it is illegal to sell a vehicle unless you have the title. In order to get around this legal issue, auto recyclers will purchase the vehicle as salvaged metal rather than as a complete vehicle. Since salvage prices are much lower than those that are offered for complete vehicles, you can easily lose out on hundreds or even thousands of dollars when choosing to sell your vehicle without the title in hand.

Always Deliver Your Vehicle Directly To The Scrap Yard

Towing services are commonly offered by auto recyclers as a convenience to their customers. While these towing services are available at no charge, the company will typically offset the price of your vehicle as a result of your decision to use these services. This is because coming to get your vehicle will cost the recycling company money. The more it costs them to get the vehicle, the less they will be willing to pay for the vehicle. This is why you should always deliver the vehicle directly to the scrap yard whenever possible.

If your junk vehicle is not in running condition, you may wish to consider towing the vehicle yourself or hiring your own towing company to transport the vehicle for you. While you will need to pay for these towing services upfront, the additional money you will receive for your vehicle will easily offset this cost.

Consider Selling Each Part Separately

If you are feeling particularly motivated, choosing to sell your vehicle in parts rather than selling it as a whole is a great way to get more money for your junk vehicle. This is because high demand metals will often fetch much higher premium than common ferrous metals.

While dismantling your vehicle and selling it off in parts will yield a much higher payment, it can also be time consuming and physically strenuous. Consequently, this option will not be right for everyone. To learn more, visit AAndA Auto Recycling


5 February 2015

Outstanding Automobile Repair

Understanding more about the type of car that you have can help you understand the best ways to maintain it, and how to tell if there’s trouble brewing under the hood before you end up stranded. That’s why, when I found a car make that I liked, I kept going back to it every time I bought a new car. It’s also why I use a mechanic that specializes in repairing and maintaining cars made by my specific manufacturer type. Over the years, I’ve learned so much about what makes this particular car work, and what kind of quirks come with this type of vehicle. I started this blog to share some of that information and help other car owners learn to effectively maintain their automobiles and recognize the potential signs of trouble.